Sunday, 12 June 2011


Pitch ! I am 1of 30 Deaf and disabled artists and arts workers taking part in this event on Wednesday

also includes

10 disability arts projects and organisations

Come and find people, partners, punters and possibilities

What have you got to lose - apart from your preconceptions?

Sync South East is a leadership development programme designed to support

and develop Deaf and disabled people and in the South East of England to reach

their true potential. Pitch! is the culmination of two years of development and is

the perfect place to broaden your knowledge and expand your contacts!

Wed 15 June 2011, 10.30am–5pm

The Stables, Milton Keynes

Sync South East is one of 15 Accentuate Projects looking to create a cultural

shift in the South East the lead up to 2012 realigning the way in which disability,

creativity and ability are perceived.

Please email joverrent@adainc org asap to reserve a place – places are limited.

Monday, 6 June 2011

June Lo-Fi

Upcycle your ts

Tomorrow night from 6pm

This month we are gonna dig out forgotten t-shirts and turn them into wonderous jewellery!

Myself and Nico Dawson will show you how to make necklaces, rings, bracelets and brooches. It’s really easy peasy and very experimental.

We will aim to provide all the materials for a mini fee but if you have any old forgotten t shirts bring em along.

Anything you’ve made recently please bring it along for show and tell, we’d love to see.

Common will take orders for our tea or whatever drinks and nibbles make take your fancy?


To let us know you’re coming email

(Acceptance of your invitation helps with numbers for food if you plan on eating? And also for the demo and materials so please do try to let me know if possible?)

Lo Fi DIY is brought to you in association with Manchester Craft Mafia, a friendly bunch!